
Growth Points & Pains Part 3- "Follow Me"

"Follow Me".

A simple enough request.


One definition of "follow" is to "accept the authority of". Another says to "conform to". This means  we are to become Christ-like by treading in His footsteps. Have you ever heard the full song of "Good King Wenceslas"? In the song, the servant of the king can't keep up with his master because of the deep snow. But, the king tells him to walk where he walks. The servant then finds that the snow has melted in the good king's footsteps and he can follow easily. When we step out on faith, we'll find it easier to follow. Not that it will be easy- far from it. But never will be find anything more rewarding that moving forward on faith. Think of some of the heroes who gave all to follow. For example, Gladys Aylward, who left her family and a steady job in England to declare the Gospel in China. Or think of Elisabeth Elliot, who forgave the very men who killed her husband, and determined to tell them of Christ. That took some serious following by faith.

Martin Luther King Jr. once said,

"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." 

 Just so, we are to move. I'm reminded of a song I learned as a very young girl, "Little by Little". The lyrics start so:

Tall mountains tower, rugged and high.
Rise to the challenge, look to the sky.
Trust in the Lord and seek help divine.
Great things are done one step at a time.
Little by little, inch by inch.
By the yard, it's hard-
By the inch, it's a cinch.
Never stare at the stairs,
Just step up the steps.
Little by little, inch by inch.

 And so it is. God has laid out a plan, usually only clear to Him. He holds the map (for most of us) and the GPS (for the younger generation of us). Simple, right? Should be.

The wrench in the plan is us. We are just too darn proud to accept that He knows what He's talking about. Like the stereotypical male-behind-the-wheel, we know where we are going and aren't going to take any backseat nonsense off of those who obviously are inexperienced...and that goes for the passenger seat, too. We can't see the signs that tell us clearly where the road is. And yet can't seem to find our way. And then, when we are eventually desperately lost, we finally stop and ask God what direction we're to go. And never will God give confusing directions: "turn right, then left. go for a mile, turn left again, 3 miles out, pass the old barn that used to be on the left and make a right..."  That would drive us nuts, and once again, we'd try to trust our own way. No. Instead he takes us by the hand, and leads us down the path we need to go on. And then, before we know it, we've reached our next stop. It could be a ministry we're to be in for a while, a person we need to meet or minister to, a problem that needs to be faced. But, rest assured when the journey is ready to resume, He'll be there, waiting for us, in case we decide to follow His leading to the next landmark.

Another song comes to mind. It's one we most likely all learned at church or vbs when we were young. Maybe it's a child's song, or maybe not. But with faith as a child, read with me through these lyrics. But go slow. Our grownup minds are tempted to rush through these things, thereby missing the deeper meaning.

I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
I have decided to follow Jesus.
No turning back, no turning back.

The world behind me, the cross before me.
The world behind me, the cross before me.
The world behind me, the cross before me.
No turning back, no turning back.

Though none go with me, still I will follow.
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
Though none go with me, still I will follow.
No turning back, no turning back.

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