
Life is Like...

Hang on everyone, this may sound really weird at first.

Life is like a game of cards. Now stay with me, here.
You are dealt a hand. You only get so many cards.

 It may be a good hand, it may be bad.

However, with the cards you have, you can do what you like. 

You can play them randomly, with no sense of order.

Or, you can plan each turn carefully and strategically. 

Sometimes, your plays will be wrong, and sometimes, you'll have to act without knowing what's next.

But, in this game, there is no re-deal: you only get the hand you're dealt.
There is no misdeal: all the hands are given fairly, with no dishonesty in the dealer. 

Cheating has strict punishment- you're out.

And, we have a pretty contentious dealer...He even gave us a book of tips and hints!


Kat said...

Fun post, KK.

Näna said...

Wow...that is really ingenious!!!

Karlee Kay said...

Very true! How are you?