
Vote for Mom!

for a kinder, gentler internet!!

Just kidding.
But you can vote for my mom!
Mom's blog was nominated to be the best blog written by Moms of Big Families, along with 25 others.
You can vote for her once, on any device that has an internet connection, every 24 hours! That means, if you have a smartphone and a laptop, and you vote for her once from each every day until the contest ends, she'll have gotten 42 votes from YOU ALONE!!!!!!!
(how cool is that?)

So please, Please, PLEASE....

Here's how it works.

  1. go to this link: (click here to VOTE!!!!)
  2. find Art's Chili Pepper in the list (look for a black & white picture of our family)
  3. click on the button next to where it says VOTE
  4. voila! you can check back any time to see how she's doing!
Thanks to all of you!
'Til next time,

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