
We Will Never Forget...

This post will be full of remembering, tears, peace, joy, and sorrow
Today marks 10 years.

10 years of...
horror, loss, tears, pain, recovery, insecurity, heartache, death and terror.

10 years ago today, Al Qaeda flew and wrecked 4 American airplanes.

1 hit the North World Trade Center Tower, in New York City
1 hit the South World Trade Center Tower also in NYC.
1 hit a wing of the Pentagon in Washington D.C. 
1 hit a empty, open field in Pennsylvania.

2,977 people died.
Lives lost.
Souls in eternity.

For some, this was the door into heaven.
But for others it was only the beginning of pain.
Of torture.
Of burning.
A taste of eternity.
A taste of Hell.

Yet in it all God gave hope and mercy.

You can read about the cross here.

This statement is under attack. A group called the American Atheists is suing to remove this monument to those that died there. 

Until Next Time,

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