
Crisp Autumn Days

Autumn is my favorite season. Of course, I'll only say that until Winter sets in, then Winter will be my new favorite season!

Here are some reasons why I love Fall:

Our red shed against the trees

the tall trees across the road from us

how the leaves of our cherry tree turn red on the outside and green on the inside


Check out the leaves on this dogwood:

the many bright colors of fall!!!

mums, in red


white and


Dahlias in white,


More on this list would include:

apple cider

apple pie

leaf piles

sedum flowers


toasted pumpkin seeds

cozy winter carrot soup

flannel pj's

hay wagon rides


hymn sings by the fire

the wood stove

oatmeal buffet for breakfast

and probably much more!

What are YOUR favorite  things about Autumn??


Kat said...

Still in awe over the enormousness of those mums!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures KK!!!!!!!!!
As for oatmeal for breakfast............. Not so sure;)

Anonymous said...

Dearest darling Kitti Kat,

And you are having carrot soup tonight for dinner…☺

I am thrilled beyond words that I have been there, seeing all the beauty of your lovely, happy home. Looking out your living room window, I was amazed how the colors in your living room tied in with the autumn colors of the cherry tree outside.

That cherry tree is absolutely beautiful! I must not have ever seen a cherry tree up close. The branches look like fabric of silver silk. God is truly awesome in His designs. I think that word, awesome, should be reserved for Him, the Creator of His beautiful heavens and earth.


Kat said...

Love your Christmas theme... time to update your post to match... maybe consider taking some stuff off your side bar, too. Be glad to give you some suggestions, dear one.

