
Christmas Movie Quotes!!

O.K. everybody, these are really, really, tough.

Have fun!
No looking up the quotes online.
You are allowed to ask family members- this includes that sibling who is probably looking over your shoulder (or in the hall mirror)...this one's for you Jo!
These are all Christmas movies.

1. "What your about to see is true. The names have not been changed, because nobody believes me anyway."

2."A house is only what it's occupants make it."

3."A great big shiny aluminum Christmas Tree!"

4."Pish...no one needs the mink coat but the mink!"

5."And a happy New Year to you...in jail!"

6."Speak to me...Charlie...are ya hurt?"

7."They're going to miss us."

8."How can I tell him when I do not know which way is Connect-i-cut?!"

9."Wait a minute...she's got to find her happiness." *girl screams and faints*.

10."There's a light on this tree that won't light on one side."

11."When what's left of you gets around to getting what's left to be gotten, what's left to be gotten won't be worth getting even if it's worth what you've got left."

12."What of the food that I am accustomed to?"
"Very accustomed to!"

13."Oh, yes, and we love having you.. Uh, when are you leaving?"

14."God bless my little broken body!!"

15. "If I'm willing to let my wife have a splitting headache in the morning, the least you can do is have a little headache tonight!"

16. "There is one role I have never played: God."
      "God, sir?"

17."Perhaps he only slightly crazy... like poets, painters, or some of those men in Washington."

18. "Uncle Banjo will pull a few string for you!"

19. "Some say yes, and some say no."
      "Well, what do you say?"
      "I'm inclined to agree with them."

20."Aunt Clara had for years labored under the delusion that I was not only perpetually 4 years old, but also a girl."

Good  Luck  Break a Leg!!

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