
My Silly SIblings

I am very much blessed to have younger siblings with a good sense of humor. The other day, they come to me and Nana with a sheet of notebook paper, where, on the front, in not-so-neatly printed lettering is written:

Guy of Gisbourne
c/o Robin Hood
Please deliver to
Nottingham, UK
immediately, URGENT.
The future of England depends on its speed of delivery ;)

As they watch Nana and I reading it, they squeal like adorable, dirty (they'd been in the woods all morning) little hamsters. We opened it and read aloud the note upon which the fate of Nottingham as we know it depended.

**NOTE**While you must have seen the BBC version of Robin Hood with Jonas Armstrong in order to "get" most of the jokes made, there are no spoilers. Unless you consider it a spoiler to know that Guy of Gisbourne wears black, and has long hair.

Here is what it said, and I quote, (my notes are in quotations):

To: Guy of Gisbourne.
Dear Sir,

Hi! (read in a shouty type voice) We want to grace you with our fashion advice! First off, you should wear more than one color. We think that burnt orange and steel blue (re: The Vacation) would flatter your complexion more than black. Try wearing a burnt orange t-shirt and steel blue jeans. We think this would help you feel more cheerful, for the color you wear determines your attitudes. We think you should get a better hairdo, for yours, frankly, is a terrible, utterly disgusting, scary sight. No wonder no one likes you, and Marion prefers Robin Hood. Please take this advice very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very serious, and good advice.
Thank you,
Marion of Knighton (Emma) ,  Alan-A-Dale (Aedan) , and Will Scarlett (Nathaniel).

Tell me they're not funny!

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